ANZAC candles create community connections at Baycrest

For veterans and residents at Bolton Clarke Baycrest retirement village, ANZAC Day is an important time for reflection and community connection.
This year, residents will be Lighting Up the Dawn as they ‘stand to’ on their driveways with support from Hervey Bay RSL sub-branch and Paisley Park Childcare Centre staff, who have provided the residents with handmade candles to mark the commemoration.
Bolton Clarke Retirement Village Manger Sally Zentveld said that the community was thrilled to receive the special delivery.
“When Jodie from Paisley Park contacted us on Facebook, we thought it was a lovely idea and that the residents would love them!” she said.
“They have been preparing for ANZAC Day for four or five weeks. Many of them have decorated their units and put up flags outside their homes.”
Paisley Park Director Jodie Tangikara said that the team wanted to do something special for the older generation.
“We know that attending the dawn service is especially important for older people. When our team heard about ‘Light Up the Dawn’ our minds started ticking. Our families are using the candles as an activity at home and to explain ANZAC Day to children.”
Plans are already underway to arrange for the Baycrest residents to meet the children from Paisley Park when social distancing restrictions are lifted.
“We think the residents would really enjoy that,” said Sally. “These intergenerational connections are really fulfilling. The childcare centre has even invited us to the beach with them which would be lovely.”
Residents from Baycrest’s co-located aged care community will also be honouring our ANZACs on Saturday. They will each receive a poppy and a sprig of rosemary for their rooms and will ‘stand to’ for a minute’s silence in their doorways at 10am on Anzac Day between The Last Post and the Rouse being played.
The Baycrest community will also raise a flag following ANZAC protocols.
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