Bolton Clarke awarded for wellness, reablement and innovation

Bolton Clarke has received recognition for its work in Wellness, Reablement and Innovation at the LASA Excellence in Age Services Awards presented at the 2019 Tri-State Conference in Albury last night.
The awards are designed to highlight the dedication of organisations and individuals who are passionate about providing quality aged care for older people. Bolton Clarke won in two categories for Victoria and Tasmania taking out the Team Award, recognizing the work of the Wellness and Reablement team and the Rising Star Award to Senior Strategist – Business Innovation Matiu Bush for his innovation addressing issues including social isolation.
The Wellness and Reablement team were awarded for developing a model of care based on the principles of positive and healthy ageing. The model aims to ensure all older people receiving services from clinical and care staff are supported to live as well and independently as possible.
Principal Advisor Wellness and Reablement, Kath Paine was delighted with to receive the award.
“As a group of care innovators, researchers and service leaders we have come together to work with our clients and focus on prevention and promotion opportunities that encourage them to actively participate in their support and where possible self-manage,” she said.
Mr Bush won the Rising Star award for several projects and programs including the Cat Pin, a wearable device developed in collaboration with RMIT to measure conversation and provide early warning of social isolation.
Matiu also worked with a team to create a dementia specific Melaleuca Wing on the Gold Coast, incorporating Stirling University international best practice dementia design principles and a state-of-the-art interactive digital wallpaper which is a world first in dementia care.
“The addition of this Interactive Digital Wallpaper is another example of how we look to other sectors to innovate, and it provides a space for people to engage with their surroundings,” he said.
“The wallpaper responds when you walk past and when you touch it. These interactions can be calming and therapeutic, will create moments in each day for residents, and can provide an outlet for communication for those who are nonverbal.”
The state award winners will now progress as finalists to the national awards presented at the LASA National Congress in Adelaide from 27-29 October.