Volunteering gives Maryborough local purpose

For Maryborough local Sandra a history of caring attracted her to a volunteer role in aged care.
Her role at Bolton Clarke’s Chelsea aged care home takes her across the community and beyond as she chats with residents and participates in activities.
“I have been volunteering here for a few months now and I love it, but I have also done work experience here in the past and never forgot about the place,” Sandra said.
“I’m here three days a week and join in with it all really,” she said.
Sandy has been a Maryborough local for over 20 years and her personal and professional experience in aged care was something that drew her towards volunteering.
“I cared for my mum, dad and my nan for a little while.
“Mum moved into a home because she needed the extra care and the same for my nan – I have always felt at home in aged care,” she said.
Sandra’s time spent at Chelsea aged care is focused on providing support to the residents and employees.
“All of the residents are just lovely here and you can get a good laugh out of them.
“I’m all over the place on a daily basis – I visit individual residents and we talk about anything and everything.
“I also join in on bus trips and the exercise programs, it all keeps me busy!”
For the residents, Sandra and the other volunteers at Chelsea provide an added helping hand or someone to have a chat with.
“We have a lot of residents who don’t get a lot of visitors and Sandra has made a big difference in their lives because she is there,’ Residential Manager Trish said.
Sandra’s time at Chelsea has allowed her to connect with residents and build meaningful connections.
“You’re paying back to the community, and I don’t take anything like that for granted,” Sandra said.
“I really respect volunteers, seeing the work they put in,” she said.
This week is National Volunteers Week (15 – 21 May) and is an annual celebration to recognise the support that volunteers provide to local communities across Australia.
Become a volunteer
Make a difference in your community and to the lives of our residents.
As a volunteer you can help others while sharing your interests and skills. By providing support, fun and companionship you help to maintain important social connections in our residential aged care communities across New South Wales and Queensland.